Get Customers
Get Customers

Get Customers and make sales
Making sales is one of the most critical aspects of your company – in fact, the entire business is all about getting people to purchase whatever goods or services you offer so that you can earn profits from it. However, many people find it difficult to sell their products after launching their businesses.
It can be very frustrating when you think that you’ve got everything figured out – a business idea, business finance, and a seemingly effective sales strategy, only to discover that people are not making efforts to buy whatever you are selling as you had hoped.
So what should you do to get customers? From my experience in helping people start their businesses, I have discovered that there are some critical steps every new and even old business owner must take to get customers to patronize their businesses. To make it easy to follow, I have broken this down into different steps and I am explaining them in different articles on this webpage
These steps will help you get customers for your business without having to spend a dime.
Describe Your Business in Two Sentences
If one of your friends walks up to you today and asks about your business – assuming she says something like “What do you do for a living these days?” What exactly would you say to her?
Your friend is a potential customer. In fact, every single person you meet in your day-to-day life is a potential customer. The taxi driver, the pizza delivery guy, the guy sitting next to you on the train; they are all potential customers so you must always have an excellent answer ready for them when asked to describe yourself or your business.
You must have an answer that will get people interested in your business or what you do even if that wasn’t their intention before asking. The response to this kind of question is known as an elevator pitch. In one or two sentences, you must be able to tell your listener what your business is all about especially the problems you are facing and how you solve them.
My elevator pitch
For me, my elevator pitch would be something like “I write manuals with proven advice on how people can start and develop their dream businesses.”
From my elevator pitch, it’s easy for my listeners or readers to see the problem that I try to solve which is very often unemployment, and the exact method that I use to solve the problem – writing manuals with proven advice.
With an elevator pitch such as this, it’s easy for anyone who has a problem starting their dream business, or knows anyone who is having problems getting a good job to say “Oh really! How do I get one of those manuals?”
This way, you would have sold your products or services without any extra effort or advertisement – you would have made a sale from a simple conversation.
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Holger Wästlund