Describe the Unique Thing about Your Business
Describe the Unique Thing about Your Business

Describe the Unique Thing about Your Business
In addition to your elevator pitch, you must have a value proposition. I write manuals to help people start their dream business but aren’t there dozens of other people out there who also write manuals just like mine?
So why would anyone choose to purchase my manual instead of those of other writers/consultants? Here you need a value proposition.
You must be able to tell your potential customers in simple and short terms, what they stand to gain from choosing your business over your competitors.
The Unique Thing about My Business
For me, I could say something like “I also offer free advice by mail to those who purchase my manuals.”
So when talking about your elevator pitch, always add your value proposition too. This is what would pique the interest of potential customers. Some may not be interested in the products or services you offer, but once they hear about the extra benefits they would get from doing business with you, they may become engaged.
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Holger Wästlund